October 2007, it seems so long ago, but yes, that's when we introduced our first collection to the blogshop world.

It was daunting, it took a lot of effort, but we had loads of fun, and we were in fact doing it all in the name of fun - that's how we got our name!

That was then, this is now, and we're still doing what we love doing - keeping to our roots of bringing all you fun people, the fun-nest, most irresistible pieces of clothing we can find at prices that'll keep you smiling.

Also, we'd like to think that we're one of the more personal Blogshops around, hopefully, our customers and friends will tell you the same :)

So that's who we are and we'd like to thank you for getting to know us a bit better.
Keep shopping and keep having fun with us!

Clothes For Fun is all about shopping with a dash of love, tinkle of passion with sprinkles of fun!!

All contents and images are properties of All For Fun Fashion (Registered: 001995246-P)